Bus stop taxi (halte-taxi)
Reserve a halte-taxi:
- Call 088 – 23 58 000 (available 07.00 to 23.00 hrs)
- Email info@haltetaxi.nl
The coordination and route planning of the Haltetaxi is carried out by the Gemeentelijke Vervoercentrale (GVC) in Terneuzen on behalf of the Province of Zeeland.
Users pass
To be able to travel with the halte-taxi you need a user pass. Please fill in the Dutch online application form halte-taxi on the website of the Province of Zeeland. You can also call 088 - 23 58 000. You will receive the pass form within five days. Even if you have not received your pass yet, you can already start using the halte-taxi.Where does the halte-taxi run?
An overview of all stops and a line map can be found on the website of the Province of Zeeland.The stops can be identified by the sticker 'HALTETAXI' on the bus stop sign.
When does the halte-taxi run?
De haltetaxi rijdt alleen op reservering. De haltetaxi is beschikbaar op werkdagen van 7.00 tot 23.00 uur, op zaterdag van 8.00 tot 23.00 uur en op zondag van 9.00 tot 23.00 uur.
The halte-taxi is only available after making a reservation. The halte-taxi is available on:
- working days from 07.00 to 23.00 hrs
- Saturdays from 08.00 to 23.00 hrs
- Sundays from 09.00 to 23.00 hrs.
Making reservations
The halte-taxi can be booked by calling 088 - 23 58 000 or via info@haltetaxi.nl. You must apply for the haltetaxi at least 1.5 hours in advance. This is necessary to be able to offer a connection guarantee to the bus.Did you reserve a halte-taxi and have you been delayed when travelling with public transport. Than contact the halte-taxi immediately: 088 - 23 58 000.
Would you like to travel with the halte-taxi before 09.00 hrs? Reserve your trip the day before. One extra person may travel on your pass for a fee. Children 3 years old and younger travel for free.