Local bus ticket Noord-Holland Noord

The local bus runs from smaller to larger places

You get:

Noord-Holland Noord (regions Alkmaar, Den Helder, Hoorn, Schagen)
One-way on the day of stamping
Valid in the local bus

€ 2.65

For sale from the bus driver

Valid when?

The local bus ticket is valid for all local buses in the Noord-Holland North transport area (regions Alkmaar, Den Helder, Hoorn, Schagen).

The local bus ticket is not valid on bus lines of Connexxion, Overalflex or buses of another carrier.

Valid when?

The local bus ticket is valid in the local bus where the ticket was purchased. With the local bus ticket you are not allowed to change buses. As soon as you get off the bus, the ticket loses its validity.


The local bus ticket (buurtbuskaartje) costs € 2.65


The ticket is only available from the bus driver of a local bus. Simply pay with a debit or credit card. Cash payment is not possible.