Cityline Assen
Do you want to use the Cityline? Check the timetable to see at what time the bus departs from the bus stop in your area.Is the bus stop too far away? You can request the bus to stop anywhere along the route (if possible). All you have to do is raise your hand when you see the bus. That also makes the Cityline easily accessible for everyone.
The Cityline is reliable transport. If the bus is full, an extra bus or taxi will be deployed within 15 minutes.
Buy a ticket with pin from the bus driver.- WMO card holders: € 1.00
- Children 4 years or younger: free
- Other passengers: € 2.00
Please note: You cannot travel with an OV-chipkaart
More information
Read more in Dutch in the folder about the Cityline in Assen.Any questions? We will be happy to answer them: 0800-40 20 104 (from abroad: +31 597 454 444).