To be able to travel with Schiphol Flex you no longer need to load balance on your OV-chipkaart. All journeys you make with public transport outside of the Schiphol area, you pay afterwards with one monthly invoice.
Do you use JAS? Then you pay the full public transport fare for your trips outside the Schiphol area. These trips are immediately charged to your OV-chipkaart. That is why you need to make sure your OV-chipkaart is loaded with balance when you use JAS. -
With Schiphol Flex, you can also travel outside the Schiphol area without a balance on your card. These costs will be charged to you afterwards. You always have online insight into your costs. In your personal overview you can see which trips you have made and what the costs are. These costs can of course also be found on the monthly digital invoice.
Are you transferring to Schiphol Flex with your personal OV-chipkaart? Then the balance remaining on that card will automatically be deducted from your Schiphol Flex invoice. You no longer need the balance: with Schiphol Flex all your public transport trips outside the Schiphol area will be invoiced afterwards.
There's a "Service" button behind every ride in your personal overview. If you click this button, you can indicate the price you think it should have been and the reason for the request. This request will be reviewed by our customer service. If approved, the overpayment will be credited to the next invoice. If the request is rejected, we will send you an e-mail with an explanation.
To use JAS or Schiphol Flex, you must be 18 years of age or older.