We would like to help you plan your trip or find up-to-date travel information. You can use the different search engines we have developed:
- Travel planner
- Timetable finder
- Bus stop information and current departure times and transfer possibilities
- Disruptions and diversions
The bus driver tries to stick to the schedule, but sometimes the bus might arrive a bit earlier or later than planned. It’s a good idea to be at the bus stop five minutes in advance.
You can visit www.ov-chipkaart.nl/en for all your questions about the OV-chipkaart. The information on this website is comprehensive and always up-to-date.
Our trains only have 2nd class carriages, so there is no 1st class.
Of course, you can also travel by bus if you do not have a debit card with you, even though it is no longer possible to pay with cash on the bus. We do this to increase safety on the bus for our staff and our passengers.
If you do not have a debit card with you, you can still check in and out in the following ways:- Checking in and out with the payment app on your phone or smartwatch. Very convenient! Want to know more? Take a look at www.transdev.nl/ovpay
- You can buy an e-ticket (digital) or an m-ticket (with barcode) via our website before your journey starts.
- Do you still want to buy a ticket with cash? You can do so at one of the sales points outside the bus.
See the In de bus webpage for a detailed explanation of what you can take on board the train.
All objects that we or fellow passengers find are placed on our websites via iLost. Take a look at the page: Lost and found.
To use JAS or Schiphol Flex, you must be 18 years of age or older.
A regular bus runs according to a fixed timetable and a fixed route past a number of bus stops. OVflex is a flexible transport service that can take you directly between different bus stops in an area around the time you have reserverd it.
In some areas in the Netherlands, we offer an OVflex service. OVflex is a convenient transport service to order, in a car or van, that will take you from bus stop to bus stop. Which bus stops? That's up to you.
> Read more about OVflex in Dutch -
How to report a damage is described in detail in Dutch on the webpage: Schade melden.